
一起优秀网    来源: 17xuexiba      2016-09-10       本文受益:      

As a boy, my family used to vacation in Oregon. Without realizing it at the time, I fell in love    41    those beautiful mountains and forests. Years later, the love would  42   itself in a powerful and life-changing way.
Sometime during my first year in   43   I began to get really restless .I grew  44 of school and wanted to do something else. Without analyzing the situation, I   45 school and took a well-paid job in a big company.  I hoped that this temporary change would provide me with a whole new   46  .Well it worked because I soon realized that I wanted something    47 .I wanted peace and quiet. I also wanted lots of space around me and a much 48 pace.
Then it hit me what I    49   wanted was those beautiful forests of Oregon that I had visited when l was a boy.I had no idea how l was going to get them,    50    I was completely certain that l would turn this dream into a    51  .
My wants became the seeds of my intention to   52  a whole new life for myself.   53  ,that intention moved me to take decisive action in the   54   0f my new goal. Within two years, I had bought property, moved to Southern California and was    55    in the forest in Oregon. I had left everything familiar    56  .Besides the property ,I had a tent a jeep, and$1,000.1 was 21 years old and it was a/an   57    adventure.
Acting on your dreams is the only way to breathe life into them.  Your life can be   58   you want it to be, but it won't  59  if you just want. Acting can    60   the course of your whole life; that's what happened to me.
41. A. for     B. with       C. to          D. at
42. A. show    B. drag      C .correct   D. pay
43. A. village   B. town      C .college   D. hospital
44. A. proud    B. afraid    C. ashamed    D. tired
45. A. quit    B. entered    C .found      D. started
46. A. job      B. life      C. study       D. trip
47. A. wrong B. distant    C. different    D. strange
48. A. faster   B. deeper    C. smaller   D .slower
49. A. still    B. really    C. likely        D. never
50. A. but    B. and     C. so          D thus
51. A. reality   B .fact      C. goal        D. picture
52. A. offer    B. create    C. invent      D. protect
53. A. For example  B. Above all    C. As a result    D. In that case
54. A. excuse  B. state    C. study        D. direction
55. A.  living       B .learning    C. working      D. planting
56. A. alone        B. ahead     C. behind     D. below
57. A. disappointing B. moving     C. amazing    D .tiring
58. A. whoever    B. however   C. whatever   D. wherever
59. A. break        B. happen   C. strike       D .stay
60. A. challenge    B. disturb     C. teach       D. change
第II卷  非选择题(共50分)
Night after night, she came to tuck me in (盖被子), even long after my childhood years.___61    (follow) her longstanding custom, she’d lean down and push my long hair out of the way, then kiss my forehead.
I don’t remember    62    it first started annoying me — her hands pushing my hair that way.Finally, one night, I shouted out at her, “Don’t do that anymore — your hands are too rough!” She didn’t say    63    in reply.But never again    64    my mother close out (结束) my day    65    that familiar expression of her love.
Time after time, with the passing years, my    66    (think) returned to that night.By then I missed my mother’s hands, — missed her goodnight kiss on my forehead.
Now those hands I once thought to be so rough were still doing things for me and my family.I    67   (frequent) recalled the night my young voice complained.One night, catching Mom’s hand in hand, I blurted out how sorry I was for that night.I thought she’d remember as I did.But Mom didn’t know what I    68    (talk) about.She had forgotten — and forgiven — long ago.
That night, I fell asleep with a new    69    (appreciate) for my gentle mother and 70    caring hands.And the guilt that I had carried around for so long was nowhere to be found.
  I have many friend and Lily is one of the best. We have been playing together before we were young. She is such pretty girl that when people meet him, they always say, “Oh, how lovely!" Lily is also very brave. One evening two weeks ago, my mum sent me to buy some salt or sugar downstairs. When l was back on the stairway, I sudden saw a black shadow behind me. l was frightening and cried, “God!” On that very moment, Lily came. She rushed at the shadow and shouts to it loudly until it disappeared. Then we ran to home safely.
  假定你是一名高三学生,名叫李华。在母亲节来临之际, 请你用英文给你的妈妈写一封信表示感恩,并借此机会和妈妈说说知心话,具体内容应包括:
参考词汇:高考the College Entrance Examination
Dear Mum,
Mother’s Day is coming.                                                                      

1-5.CAABA   6-10.BAAAB    11-15.AABBC   16-20.BABCB
21-24.CBDC  25-27.ADC  28-31.ADBC   32-35.BABC    36-40.EDCBG
41-45 BACDA   46-50 BCDBA  51-55 ABCDA  56-60 CCCBD
61.Following   62.when     63.anything      64.did      65.with
66.thoughts    67.frequently  68.was talking    69.appreciation   70.Her
71.I have many friend and Lily is one of the best. We have been playing together
before we were young. She is such∧pretty girl that when people meet him, they
since                                    a                                         her
always say, “Oh, how lovely!" Lily is also very brave. One evening two weeks ago,
my mum sent me to buy some salt or sugar downstairs. When l was back on the
stairway, I sudden saw a black shadow behind me. l was frightening and cried,
         suddenly                                             frightened
“God!” On that very moment, Lily came. She rushed at the shadow and shouts to
       At                                                                         shouted
it loudly until it disappeared. Then we ran to home safely.
72.Dear Mum,
Mother’s Day is coming. I’m writing to you to thank you for bringing me up and showing me unselfish help, care and love. Meanwhile, I’ll tell you something about my present life.
As you know, it will be about two months before I take the College Entrance Examination, which makes my life a little busy and tiring. Luckily, my hard work is paying off. I have been making great progress in my studies, especially in English. Perhaps there is still a lot for me to do before I realize my dream---going to Beijing University. I firmly believe I can make it.
Please don’t worry about me. I’ll never let you down.
Mum, happy Mother’s Day! I love you.
高考英语模拟试题库  http://www.17xuexiba.com/yy/
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