一起优秀网 来源: 一起学习吧高考网 2016-10-18 本文受益:人 大 中 小
C. encouraged people to be speakers
D. told stories that happened in kitchens
33. The underlined word “stalled” in paragraph 2 means “_________”.
A. stopped making money
B. stopped following the original plan
C. stopped achieving progress
D. stopped attracting the attention of big publishers
34. Jack and Mark sold Chicken Soup for the Soul because ________.
A. they lost interest in it
B. it deserved expansion
C. readers got tired of the series
D. it could be sold at a high price
35. What’s the text mainly about?
A. The popularity of Chicken Soup for the Soul.
B. Publishing in different periods.
C. The importance of readers’ support.
D. The history of Chicken Soup for the Soul.
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