
一起优秀网    来源: 一起学习吧高考网      2016-10-18       本文受益:      

温馨提示:手机用户请点击下方“原网页”或“电脑版”进行查看本文,效果最佳! 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

Nowadays it’s not easy to find a suitable job. Follow these tips, and possibly you can find a job that suits your personality.

● List your strong and weak points

Before you start your job search, take some time to think about your strong and weak points. 36 If you are excellent at managing your time, for example, a job in project management, or one that involves organizing others, could be perfect.

● Ask others for their opinions

Although you should know yourself better than anyone else, there are times when a second opinion is needed. 37 They may come up with ideas that you haven’t considered. You should, however, make sure that they aren’t so protective of you that they persuade you not to push yourself, or encourage you so much that you aim too high.

● Find out what potential jobs involve

38 Make sure you do as much research as possible to determine exactly what you will have to do. An office job may sound very safe if you are shy, but if you then find that you have to give regular presentations, you may not be cut out for it after all.

● 39

When looking for a job, many people have an idea of what they would like to be in the future. However, that is often little more than a dream and, even if it’s possible to reach that goal, it may involve years of hard work that you don’t enjoy. 40 If you can find a job that mirrors what makes you happy in life, it is likely that you will enjoy it and it will match your personality type.

A. Take a personality test

B. Consider what delights you

C. Think about what makes you happy and then analyze why.

D. Finding a job that suits your personality is very easy and interesting.

E. Ask your friends and family what sort of job they think would suit you best.

F. Sometimes, it isn’t immediately obvious what a job will involve until you start it.

G. More importantly, think about how they would affect your ability to do particular jobs.


第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


A few years ago, I started therapy (治疗). I kept it a secret 41 it felt like it wasn’t the kind of thing I could tell anyone. I felt it was 42 , and I was ashamed of it. 43 I felt I was the only one. It seemed that everyone but me was able to 44 things on their own. 45 of my friends or family needed help like that. But on an occasion, I 46 my secret to one of my good friends.

Guess what 47 ? As I started letting other people know that I was in therapy, some of them started telling me the 48 thing! It seemed that once I told them that I would understand their 49 , it was safe to tell me. We didn’t have to keep this a(n) 50 from each other any more.

One friend close to me 51 that she went on antidepressants(抗抑郁) after her mother’s death. Another friend has been 52 for being blue 53 he was in college. My hairdresser had been on medication 54 obsessive compulsive disorder (强迫症). All of them said they felt comfortable to be able to 55 the information. I felt like I found support in my 56 and I wasn’t alone, just from 57 their stories.

It has made me realize that none of us are 58 . Also, there’s no 59 in trying to hide them when you are having 60 . It’s better to be open and honest.


41. A. because B. although C. if D. unless

42. A. surprising B. exciting C. worrying D. satisfying

43. A. Immediately B. Slowly C. However D. Worse

44. A. remove B. handle C. deal D. accept

45. A. Some B. All C. Most D. None

46. A. let out B. let down C. set out D. set off

47. A. appeared B. continued C. happened D. existed

48. A. different B. same C. difficult D. important

49. A. news B. delights C. topics D. problems

50. A. secret B. order C. rule D. puzzle

51. A. thought B. suggested C. explained D. warned

52. A. punished B. treated C. injured D. praised

53. A. before B. for C. when D. since

54. A. according to B. because of C. judging by D. instead of

55. A. share B. hide C. correct D. find

56. A. victory B. success C. struggle D. failure

57. A. reciting B. hearing C. copying D. reading

58. A. strong B. healthy C. wrong D. perfect

59. A. point B. doubt C. courage D. ability

60. A. performances B. riches C. difficulties D. dreams 高考英语模拟试题库  http://www.17xuexiba.com/yy/

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