
一起优秀网    来源: 17xuexiba      2016-10-20       本文受益:      

43.A.otherwise      B.anyhow        C.instead      D.actually
44.A.settled      B.pushed         C.sent        D.put
45.A.teacher        B.employer       C.director     D.adviser
46.A.support       B.encouragement C.purpose     D.victory
47.A.went          B.stayed         C.worked      D.met
48.A.visit           B.continue       C.attend       D.prepare
49.A.serious        B.cautious       C.careful      D.responsible
50.A.career         B.duty          C.position      D.part
51.A.learning       B.judging        C.obeying      D.imagining
52.A.patiently       B.eagerly        C.successfully   D.skillfully
53.A.upset          B.frightened      C.guilty D.ashamed
54.A.looked up      B.went up        C.took up      D.showed up
55.A.believe        B.protect         C.treat         D.receive
56.A.spirit          B.intention       C.action        D.attempt
57.A.discussion      B.argument       C.disagreement D.agreement
58.A.At            B.During         C.On          D.With
59.A.worthless      B.thoughtless     C.hopeless      D.helpless
60.A.challenging     B.different       C.dangerous     D.strange
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)
第二节  (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 
Scientists have discovered that 61.______ (stay) in the cold could help us lose weight. Researchers at the University of California found that exposure to the cold increases levels of a protein that helps form brown fat-the type of fat that produces heat and keeps us warm.Brown fat burns energy, 62.______ helps us lose weight. White fat stores extra energy, which results 63.______ weight gain.The researchers said that because air conditioning and heating give us constant, 64.______ (comfort) temperatures, our body's need for brown fat has decreased. They found that:“Outdoor workers in northern Finland who 65.________ (expose) to cold temperature have 66._______ significant amount of brown fat when 67._______ (compare) to same­aged indoor workers.”
The research was conducted on two different control groups of mice.68.______ group was injected with the protein that helps create brown fat. This group later gained 30% less weight after both groups were fed high­fat diets.The researchers say this could be good news in the fight against obesity.People who are obese have 69.______ (low) levels of brown fat than thinner people. Head researcher Hei Sook Sul said: “This protein could become an important target for research into the treatment and prevention of obesity and obesity­related diseases.” She added: “If you can somehow increase levels of this protein, you could 60.______ (possible) lose more weight even if eating the same amount of food.”
第四部分  写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
Dear Mike,
I am happy to tell you something about a cartoon Pleasant Sheep and Big Big Wolf. It is Huang Jian's late cartoon. Huang is a much famous cartoon maker in China. The cartoon tells us stories about what some young and brave sheep fight against the wolves. The stories are very interested. The sheep and the wolves are very funny. We children, us parents and even our grandparents like to watch.The sheep have a lot of fan both in China and in overseas. If you are looking for entertainment, staying at home and watch it.Don't miss it.
Li Hua
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
  过去 现在
课堂 老师讲知识点,学生听讲,做笔记 老师提出问题,学生相互讨论或自己提出问题,自己解决问题
课后 完成大量作业 丰富多彩的课外活动,如读自己感兴趣的书籍,去图书馆或上网查资料
4.生词:实行课程改革 carry on Curriculum Revolution 上网 surf the Internet 活动 activity 语言点 language points
Dear Mike,
Very glad to receive your letter.__________________________________
Yours sincerely,
                                                           Li Hua
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